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I have had some feedback on the name of the site, 'A More Adult, Adult' that I thought I would share! If you have stumbled across this blog looking for, shall we say, more adult content, I can only apologise! Made me giggle!

On Another Note...

I have been 'out out' tonight for a very rare catch up with two girl friends. Properly out to a restaurant! Even better, it only took us three weeks to find a date we could all do which is record speed! Anyway, the waiter was back and forth to our table trying to take our order, clear our plates, bring us the bill! We were talking so much rather than reading the menu or eating our food, that we had to keep sending him away until we were ready. So great to be out with friends, to just chat, laugh and realise that we all go through similar issues. If there are things you haven't figured out yet there will be others feeling the same! Call that friend you have been trying to meet up with for the past three months! Set a date! Show your kids that they are not the only ones with a social life! It is so alien to my children that I go anywhere without them! When I arrived home they greeted me like they hadn't seen me for a year! As for the Mr, he survived, just about! Same time next week I reckon girls! x

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